Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Life Amazes Me.

To start off I would like to say that it is 12:46 am and technically still December 7th because I have yet to go to sleep, so this counts as being on the 7th still right Ashley? Onward. Today I spent some extra time with the people that are in my life everyday. My roommates, Nikki Neilsen, Lindsay Williamson, Ashley Peterson, and the unofficial Cheyenne Thomas. Along with this I did my laundry. Usually when I do my laundry I run to the laundry room throw in my six loads of clothes, because I have neglected the task for three weeks straight, and go back to my apartment to read, or do homework, or watch t.v. But today I decided it was too cold and I was too lazy to go back and forth up the stairs switching out laundry. Instead I stayed in the laundry room with a book and tried to read. However I was lucky enough to meet people. I met this guy named Deven who is from Georgia and just joined the National Guard. Then I got to know Addison, a guy who works in my apartment complex and hates the way salt tampers with his the clean floors of the clubhouse. I also met a guy that I didn't learn his name but it was a good friendly hello. On top of these meetings a girl on the bus vented about her finals to get into Med. school so she can become a vet. Wow. People are amazing. I feel extra lucky to have the closer ones like my roomies in my life. But really just everyone in general. I think about the girls in my institute classes who are nice to me and chat with me before class everyday, or the guys in my ward that make it a point to smile and say hi. God really knows when you need an extra soul to lift your own. I am blessed to have the people in my life, whether our interactions be long or short, if it was in the past, if its in the present, or if it be in the future. God really does know who I need. I am blessed.


  1. You're so cute, Cam!! :) I love this!

  2. Totally counts cam! Also I love what your saying about people. (even complete strangers) I think one of the many things Lindsey Field taught me was the importance of being interested in individuals, not just the masses. Looks like you are doing a great job of this, thanks for your example:)
