Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"I'm Happy Just Because"

Today was like the BEST DAY EVERRR!! Life has just been really good lately and not for any external reason. I am just happy. In my institute class we were learning about Barbara B. Smith (General Relief Society President in the 70's) and she was known for her optimism. One of the things she attributed that trait to was her junior high health teacher who told her to smile more, so she did. She made it a goal of hers to work on smiling. So in following her example I have been smiling more. Oh my goodness its been absolutely delicious! I feel great all the time. It is so funny to watch people look at me like "What the heck are you smiling about?" Haha I love it! It's like I have some killer secret that no one else knows about.  In loo of my happiness I want to share with you all one of the best song I recently stumbled upon. The first part is a lot of talking but I really love it the most, just how quirky it is. I feel like life should be like the words in this song:

 "Happy birthday darling we love you very, very, very, very, very, much! ..... in the face of every criminal strapped firmly to a chair we must stare, we must stare, we must stare... set fire to the preacher who is promising us hell... and in the ear of every an-archaist who sleeps but doesn't dream we must sing, we must sing, we must sing!!! And into the caverns of tomorrow with just our flashlights and our love we must plunge, we must plunge, we must plunge (definitely my most loved part)....I'm happy just because I found out I am really no one."

Those are just some of the phrases I am in love with in this song. Now I know you are wondering why a song about people plunging into the ocean makes me smile.... and I think it's because it means something more than that. When life is hard and unexpected we should be happy and find joy in the random little things maybe they are weird quirky things. What really matters is that we look at life to see the good things, the things that make life worth living and often times those things are the little things. Just love it.  xoxoxo Camsam

Monday, November 21, 2011

Once Upon a Dream

I realize that is may be a faux pah to post one day after another but I had to show off my cute craft project. Behold the DREAM JAR!!! Don't ask me how it works haha I don't really know, for some reason I just really wanted to make one. I guess I fill it with all my crazy dreams big and small. Three dreams in the jar so far... what are they? Well wouldn't you like to know... guess! Serious if you can get one right, I will tell you the other two ;)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I've Been Thinking...

So I've been thinking about happiness lately and what really makes people happy. Pretty much any person you approach and ask what they want in life, no matter what they really say, the bottom line of what they want is happiness. So what makes you happy? In my Career and Life Planning class our instructor mentioned that a good way to start thinking about what career choice you would like to take is asking yourself that question. What makes you happy? What makes you smile or laugh? What do you enjoy talking about? What do you get excited for? I think that asking yourself these questions for your life career is genius! Seriously, how great! One problem, I can't really answer them. I don't know. I feel like there are a lot of little things that are nice or fun to do but not anything that gets my heart pumping and the butterflies in my stomach taking flight. Does everybody in life have a passion? Not sure. But I think everyone should have one. So task of the year, find a passion. What makes me feel alive? What was my soul born to do?