Saturday, December 10, 2011

I Am Grateful.

I am so grateful for my individualized, personalized, unique, one of a kind life. Tonight I realized that I am incredibly lucky for all the little elements that make up my life. To begin my parents. So many around me talk about how they don't get along with their parents, or that they don't understand them. My parents get me. They know me. I can tell them anything and they listen. They don't always agree but they listen and they validate. I am grateful for my parents. The second thing I am extra grateful for today is my personality and temperament. I am not your ordinary, everyday woman.  I am understanding, and reflective. True I get intense about some things but I have become a rational person that can breathe, just step back and breathe through life. How lucky am I? I watch people get so worked up over the smallest things in this life and I don't. This may sound prideful, but in all honesty I am not looking down on those that do. I am just grateful that my mentality is mine. That I am chill. I am grateful for my level headed way I approach life. Yup, tonight I am grateful for me and my life. Tonight I am grateful.

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