Friday, December 9, 2011


Holiday-Whobee-whatee? That was the name of the Christmas party our apartment threw last night in honor of the movie "The Grinch." Have you ever noticed how much a setting can stage the mood of something? Strings of Christmas lights zig-zagged through the ceiling of my apartment, while glowing white lights wrapped around three small pine trees reflecting off our cozy window, where a candle with the scent title of "hot apple cider" flickered in the window seal. Our counter was covered in some of the most delicious holiday treats anyone could ask for, all amidst Pandora softly sending notes of holly, jolly, and cheer into the air, along withe the great Justin Biebers new hit song "Mistletoe" such a great song. And lets not forget the oh so important actual mistletoe that hung in the hallway entrance. The apartment was choc full of friends chatting, people meeting, and yes really ugly sweaters. Can you picture it? Mmmm Christmas is just around the corner and I plan savor the magic of this season every moment I get.  Shout out to my girls for throwing an enchanting Christmas bash!

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